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RAFFLE TICKET to Win a SIGNED copy of Kate Bush's new book, How to Be Invisble + £50 to spend at Big Green Books!
Location: Shortcut to Homepage /Big Green Exclusive Funstuff/RAFFLE TICKET to Win a SIGNED copy of Kate Bush's new book, How to Be Invisble + £50 to spend at Big Green Books!
RAFFLE TICKET to Win a SIGNED copy of Kate Bush's new book, How to Be Invisble + £50 to spend at Big Green Books!

Product Information

 I'm doing another raffle to help raise money to buy books for three schools. 

As ever, raffle tickets are just £2 each. 

And the prize for the winner is a much sought after...
"How to Be Invisible"
 + £50 to spend on books at Big Green Books!

So...let's see what we can do to help!
I could have chosen any number of schools. 

However, here are the three who i'd like to raise money for this time. 




Henley-in-Arden School in Warwickshire

Chelmer Valley High School in Chelmsford

Bleary Primary School in Northern Ireland


I have a Patreon, which, with your support helps me do stuff like this, so i'll be donating £50 from this to start things off.
Hopefully the raffle will raise a bit more.
1. Raffle tickets are £2 each
2. You can buy as many tickets as you like.
3. Each ticket bought will be put into a top hat.
4. The winning ticket will be drawn "live" and we will announce the winner on Twitter, on Friday April 14th at about 4.45pm
5. I will then let you all know how much money we've raised for the two schools to spend on books and we will all cheer and wave flags!
6. I will post the book to the winner of the raffle via special delivery and very securely packed the following week. 
Anyone anywhere in the world can enter. 
So, in conclusion, someone is going to get ALL a SIGNED copy of Kate Bush's new book for £2, and even if it's not you, by entering the raffle, you're helping a school!
I really hope this works and that we can raise a load of money!
If you have any questions, please email me (Simon) at

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Price: £2.00

Product Code: RAFI39
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