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SIGNED What About Men by Caitlin Moran
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SIGNED What About Men by Caitlin Moran

Product Information


 PUBLISHED ON July 6th 2023

As any feminist who talks about the problems of girls and women will know, the first question you will ever be asked is 'But what about MEN?'

After eleven years of writing bestsellers about women and dismissing this question, having been very sure that the concerns of feminism and men are very different things, Caitlin Moran realised that this wasn't quite right, and that the problems of feminism are also the problems of, yes, men.

So, what about men?

Why do they only go to the doctor if their wife or girlfriend makes them?

Why do they never discuss their penises with each other - but make endless jokes about their balls?

What is porn doing for young men?

Is their fondness for super-skinny jeans leading to an epidemic of bad mental health?

Are men allowed to be sad?

Are men allowed to lose?

Have Men's Rights Activists confused 'power' with 'empowerment'?

And is Jordan B Peterson just your mum - but with some mad theory about a lobster?

In this book, Caitlin intends to answer all this and more - because if men haven't yet answered the question 'What About Men?', it's going to be down to a busy woman to do it.


Copies of the book will be signed by Caitlin and posted out on or before publication date. 
P+P is just £1.50 in the UK (UK post only)
(My website only accepts paypal, so if you'd like this, but don't want to use paypal, email, and we can sort out an alternative) 

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