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Help Kate get some books for her school
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Help Kate get some books for her school

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I saw this tweet from Kate earlier and I thought maybe I could help a bit. 

So I found out a bit more about thie situation.

Yatton Infants School had a fire which has destroyed large parts of the school.

This is awful, so I'm donating £100 worth of books to help

With a bit of luck we can raise a whole load of money to buy books for the school, so that perhaps they can recoup some of the books they lost in the fire.

But if you'd like to help too, that would be AMAZING! 

You can donate £5 (or denominations of £5) towards even more books for the school. 

we'll be coordinating with them to find out exactly what books they need. 

I'll keep you all updated about how things are going. I really hope we can help. 

Thanks so much in advance.



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Price: £5.00

Product Code: HELL7
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